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TOGAS - TOwards GAstric Cancer Screening Implementation in the European Union
Currently, no effective screening method is available in Europe to prevent gastric cancer. TOGAS aims to provide the missing evidence-based knowledge that can be used to design, plan and implement appropriate gastric cancer prevention across the EU.
The kick-off meeting of the TOGAS project was held in Riga, Latvia on the 30th and 31st of March. Several consortium members participated in person, while many joined virtually as well. During the meeting, the different Work Packages were presented by the leaders and participants in each, these presentations were followed by insightful discussions between the consortium members.
During the next three years, TOGAS will assess the state of play and the needs of member states and target populations in gastric cancer prevention, including information on ‘opportunistic’ screening initiatives organised in public and private settings. Through developing three pilot studies, each designed to address specific aspects of gastric cancer screening and early detection, TOGAS will assess the suitability and efficacy of various gastric cancer-screening methods for use in the EU. Finally, the consortium will guarantee the sustainability of the results through an effective dissemination strategy and coordination of the methodology with the approaches used within the EU, including with the European Guidelines and Quality Assurance Schemes.